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Transfer Factor BCV

Maisto papildas su sudedamosiomis dalimis, skirtomis širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemai.


Antioksidantas Širdies ir kraujagyslių sistema Imuninė sistema

Kas yra produkte: kruopščiai parinkti ingredientai, skirti prisidėti prie geros savijautos palaikymo

A polyphenol that protects against free radicals, supports the cardiovascular system, and promotes healthy cell aging*
Source: China
Ginkgo Biloba
Supports healthy peripheral blood flow*
Source: China
Red Yeast Rice Extract
A clinically studied ingredient that supports cardiovascular health and healthy cholesterol levels*
Source: Japan
Coenzyme Q10
An important antioxidant that has been clinically shown to support heart health and blood vessel function*
Source: China
4Life Transfer Factor Blend
Educates and enhances the immune system and helps it recognize, respond to, and remember health threats*
Source: USA
Garlic Bulb Extract
Supports healthy cardiovascular function*
Source: China
A potent antioxidant that fights oxidative stress in the body and supports the cardiovascular system*
Source: USA
B Vitamins
Required for red blood cell formulation and energy production and supports carbohydrate metabolism*
Source: China/India

  • Produktų informacija

    Maisto papildas su sudedamosiomis dalimis, skirtomis širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemai.

    120 KAPSULIŲ, NETO MASĖ: 91 g

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